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Wednesday, 26 August 2015

Trend fashion: Fashion with Lyness ( cover story )

Its not about trying to be sophisticated,its glowing in simplicity.
 Everyday we try to get complicated, sophisticated outfits just to look good and feel glamorous and expensive.
But did you know that being fashionable and looking good has less to do with buying expensive clothes and feeling better than others.
It has to do with you and your character. How do you feel about yourself? First things first; Be CONFIDENT about yourself,who you
are and what you have.Because neither your body shape, size or looks can stop you from looking good and being fashionable.
Be CREATIVE. If you think you are not creative enough,then learn from others. But creativity lies in all of us, only we use it differently.
And some of us just decide not to be creative at all.
When you are confident and creative, you can make even the least of the clothes that people expect you to wear look fabulous on you.
Do not be afraid to shine. We all can be fashionable and look exquisite in many ways.
 Today's Tips:
-Be confident in what you wear.
-Be creative,its up to you to make your outfits fly
-Simplicity counts more than sophistication.

Look out for more tips, and ideas on how to much outfits. Remember to always search deeper inside of you to unravel that creativity out of yourself.

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