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Sunday 30 August 2015

cover story: "How she wants you to treat her but will never ask"

How she wants you to treat her but will never ask

-To touch her waist
-Share secrets with her
-Give her a jacket
-Kiss her slowly
-Hold her
-Lough with her
-Invite her somewhere
-Hangout with her and your friends together
-Put her onto your lap
-Talk about her in fact brag about her
-Always tell her you love her
-Kiss her unexpectedly
-Tell her she is beautiful
-Make her feel loved
-Kiss her in front of other girls *bet you will receive an A+ for that one. Lol
-Don't lie to her
-Text message or call her in the morning and tell her have a good day
at school and how much you miss her
-Be there for her
-Don't ever tell her to leave even jokingly or act like you are mad,
if she's upset comfort her.
-When you hug her, hold her in your arms as long as possible.

She will never tell you all these things not because she is fall of
pride but because she was naturally created like that, no wonder you
usually approach her. It wouldn't hurt to love her a little, and now
knowing her secret it will be a walk the park. But don't let her know
colour magazine revealed it, let's keep it between us. Lol. Make sure
you read more of "the way she wants you to treat her but will never
tell you"
You can contribute by commenting or sending as an email: or follow us on twitter @colourfreak2

Friday 28 August 2015

Cover story: OMG!! its tottaly a heart break cure

A heart break is so devastating but what if I tell you their might be
a cure for those wet my pillow tears? wow Ikr? leading hypnotist Paul
McKenna and psychotherapist Dr Hugh Willbourn claim they can teach you
to mend a broken heart. Using their unique 10 step method, you can
remove emotional pain and feel free to enjoy life fully again - in


Accept that you will have to go through some pain. It is an
unavoidable truth that if f you loved enough to be heartbroken, you
have to experience some suffering.

When you lose something that mattered to you, it is natural and
important to feel sad about it: that feeling is an essential part of
the healing process.

The problem with broken-hearted people is that they seem to be
reliving their misery over and over again. If you cannot seem to break
the cycle of painful memories, the chances are that you are locked
into repeating dysfunctional patterns of behaviour. Your pain has
become a mental habit. This habit can, and must, be broken.

This is not to belittle the strength of your feelings or the
importance of the habits you've built up during your relationship.
Without habit, none of us would function. But there comes a time when
the pain becomes unhealthy.

When you enter your bedroom at night, you switch on the light without
thinking. If you obsess about your ex, and feel unhappy all the time,
it's likely that your unconscious mind is 'switching on' your emotions
in exactly the same way.

Without realising it, you have programmed yourself to feel a pang of
grief every time you hear that tune you danced to, or see your ex's
empty chair across the kitchen table.


Now you have to break those connections. Turn off the music that
reminds you of your ex. Make your home look and feel different from
when your loved one was around. Move the furniture.

Take up a new activity. And keep moving: exercise is the single most
effective therapy for depression.

The point of these changes is to break up the old associations and
give yourself a new environment for your new life. The changes you
make don't have to be permanent. Even if it is just using a different
shampoo and deleting your ex's number from the memory of your mobile,
change something. Now.


The next step is to do the same thing on the inside - transform your
habits of thought. In a relationship, we build up a huge array of such
habits. When the love affair ends, these patterns can still be

To change your thinking habits, you need to understand a little more about them.

Have you ever witnessed the same event as someone else, and later
found out their account of it was completely different from yours?
Each of you saw the event through a 'frame', made up of your personal
beliefs, feelings and internal habits.

If you are finding it devastatingly difficult to handle the end of
your relationship, you may need to change this 'frame'. You will need
to reframe your heartbreak. Stop seeing it as the end of your
happiness. Instead, turn it into a challenge; view it as an

Being heartbroken can make you feel worthless and hopeless - but that
is because the frame you are using is too narrow. Learning to see your
situation with a different frame is a wonderful liberation.


The following exercise will help you look at your circumstances from
different points of view, so you gain helpful insights.

1. Think about the break-up of your relationship. What are the
judgments or generalisations you have made about yourself and your ex?

2. Now think of someone you admire - a character from history or a
real friend. Imagine they are watching a movie of this part of your
life, and step into their shoes to watch it instead. Imagine what
their comments would be.

3. Now imagine that a neutral observer is watching the movie of your
life. Step into their shoes and watch it from there.

4. Notice the differences that you see from each point of view. Which
ones are helpful? Which ones make you feel better? Use these
perspectives to view your relationship in a new light.

People who get over difficulties well rarely see what has happened to
them as a disaster. They frame it as a challenge. It is a matter of a
point of view. It is not what happens to us, but how we interpret it
that determines the outcome for us.


The next stage is to focus on your mental picture of your lost love.
By changing how you represent your ex in your mind, you can greatly
reduce or even eliminate your distress.

You must learn to control your 'visualisation'. Every single one of us
makes pictures in our imagination - and we can all learn how to change
the pictures. It is important to learn to do this, because our bodies
react to what we imagine in the same way that they react to what is
actually happening to us. Memory and imagination affect our feelings
in the same way as reality does.

We are constantly altering our state by the pictures we make in our
imagination and the way we talk to ourselves. So it is vital to
control those pictures and not let them run away with our feelings.


1. Answer the following question. Which side of your front door is the
lock on? To answer, you have had to make a mental picture of the door.
You have made a visualisation.

2. Now try to imagine what your front door would look like if it was
bright orange or had yellow stripes down it. Make it bigger. Move it
away so that it is smaller. Move it further away and down a bit so you
are looking down on it. Make it open. Change it in different ways.

3. Think about your ex now. As soon as you remember what someone looks
like, you are using visualisation. What is the expression on his or
her face? Observe what your ex is wearing and what he or she is doing.
Where do you see the picture of them? In front of you, or to the left
or the right? Is it lifesize or smaller? Is it a movie or a still
image? Is it solid or transparent? Now, as you keep that image in your
mind's eye, notice the feelings that arise. Make a note of those

4. Now you could remember or imagine them differently. You can imagine
you are a great film director. You can reshoot the scenes of your
memory and imagination in any way you want. You can change the action,
soundtrack, lighting, camera angles, framing, focus and speed. Change
how you are visualising your ex and notice how it affects your

5. Bring to mind the picture you had of your ex.

6. Notice where it appears and how big it is.

7. Now drain the colour out until it looks like an old black and white picture.

8. Move the image further away until it is one-tenth of its original size.

9. Shrink it even further, right down to a little black dot.

10. Notice how your feelings have changed and compare how you feel now
to the note you made earlier.

You will notice that some changes have a bigger effect than others.
Images that are closer, bigger, brighter and more colourful have
greater emotional intensity than those that are duller, smaller and
further away.

Standing outside your memories and watching as if they were a movie
helps you distance yourself from them.


Now you are ready to tackle the central problem using the
visualisation technique. Part of being heartbroken is the fact that
you still feel in love. It hurts because part of you is still attached
to your ex. This exercise helps that piece of you release itself.

1. List five occasions when you felt very in love with your ex. List
them so you can easily call them to mind.

2. Start with the first of those memories. Play with it. Move the
image away from you so that you can see yourself in the picture. Make
it small.

3. Drain out the colour so it is black and white, then make it
transparent. When you look at your memory like this, it will seem as
if the event is happening to someone else, and the emotional intensity
will be reduced still further. You are starting to re-code your

4. When you have finished re-coding the first memory, do the same for
the next one. Work through them until you have done all five.

5. Remember in detail five negative experiences with your expartner,
where you felt very definitely put off by him or her. List the five

6. Take the least appealing memory and fully return to that moment.
Try to relive it.

7. Now turn up the colour and the clarity. Make the memory as bright
and clear as you can, and experience the feelings more and more

8. Go through each of the other four negative memories of your
ex-partner, and relive them. Carry on until even thinking about them
puts you off.

When you think about the bad experiences again and again, the negative
memories begin to join up so that there is no space between them for
the feelings of love, yearning and regret.

Concentrate on the exercise and do it methodically. Some people have
found that doing this just once makes them feel different. To make
sure the effect sticks, do it every day for two weeks.


The next stage is to learn to understand your emotional reactions
better. Your feelings of heartbreak are unlikely to disappear unless
you cope with what they are trying to tell you.

An emotion is a bit like someone knocking on your door to deliver a
message. If you don't answer, it keeps knocking until you do open up.

Opening the door to your feelings means learning to understand them.
This can be hard, because heartbreak is complicated by other feelings:
anger, fear and shame.


You could fall into the trap of remaining convinced that your ex is
the only person you could ever love. This is unlikely to be true on a
planet with six billion people.

So why do you believe it? Can it be because you are desperately trying
to avoid accepting that the relationship is over? Or are you afraid
that the bad feelings associated with heartbreak will never go away?

That fear makes you anxious, and keeps you feeling bad for longer. The
burden of your heartbreak has grown heavier, and a vicious circle has
been established.


A good way of giving yourself a boost - and coping with complicated
feelings - is to imagine a bright future.

1. Imagine the future as a corridor in front of you. Imagine walking
down it, away from the present, towards a door.

2. Open the door, and see beyond it a world in which you have
recovered from your heartbreaking relationship.

3. See what you look like, what you are wearing, where you are going,
whom you are seeing.

4. Now step into this new world and into the new happy you. Imagine
the whole experience from the inside, seeing what you would see,
hearing what you would hear, and feeling how good and happy things are

It is not a matter of believing the image is real: just imagine it as
vividly as possible.

In heartbreak, there is often a backlog of emotional learning to get
through. Do one bit at a time. Your unconscious mind will protect you,
and give you a rest so that you can deal with the next bit. You will
learn to step out of the memories, leave them behind, and start a new

• Extracted from How To Mend Your Broken Heart by Paul McKenna and
Hugh Willbourn (Bantam Press, £7.99). ° 2003, Paul McKenna and Hugh
Willbourn. Do get it and learn more from Paul and Hugh,

Article from:

If you feel the steps work please write to us at
Or follow colour magazine on twitter @colourfreak2

Wednesday 26 August 2015

Trend fashion: Fashion with Lyness ( cover story )

Its not about trying to be sophisticated,its glowing in simplicity.
 Everyday we try to get complicated, sophisticated outfits just to look good and feel glamorous and expensive.
But did you know that being fashionable and looking good has less to do with buying expensive clothes and feeling better than others.
It has to do with you and your character. How do you feel about yourself? First things first; Be CONFIDENT about yourself,who you
are and what you have.Because neither your body shape, size or looks can stop you from looking good and being fashionable.
Be CREATIVE. If you think you are not creative enough,then learn from others. But creativity lies in all of us, only we use it differently.
And some of us just decide not to be creative at all.
When you are confident and creative, you can make even the least of the clothes that people expect you to wear look fabulous on you.
Do not be afraid to shine. We all can be fashionable and look exquisite in many ways.
 Today's Tips:
-Be confident in what you wear.
-Be creative,its up to you to make your outfits fly
-Simplicity counts more than sophistication.

Look out for more tips, and ideas on how to much outfits. Remember to always search deeper inside of you to unravel that creativity out of yourself.

It's time to add creativity

Add a little creativity to your life! Colour to your imagination! Life your ideas!

Colour Magazine! Here for you, so feel free.

Twitter; @colourfreak2

we believe creativity is not a gift, its a choice. 

Sunday 23 August 2015

colour magazine: adding colour to your imagination

Be part of colour magazine, spreading the youth voice! Sharing the
talent. Simply adding colour to your imagination.

Follow on twitter @colourfreak2
Bbm: 2AE3B6EE
like us on facebook

colour foods: creamed spinach

Its not "ifisashi" neither is it an experiment, its fantastic. Creamed
spinach left me searching for the recipe and want more. When I finally
got it, I invited my boyfriend over for dinner.



5 tablespoons butter (divided) or 5 tablespoons margarine (divided)
1⁄4 cup all-purpose flour
1⁄4 teaspoon salt
1 cup half-and-half cream
4 ounces cream cheese
2 tablespoons minced onions
1 tablespoon minced garlic
2 (10 ounce) boxes frozen chopped spinach, thawed
1⁄4 cup water
1⁄4 cup grated parmesan cheese

In a saucepan over medium low heat, melt 3 Tbls butter.
Stir flour and salt into pan until creamed together.
Slowly stir in cream, then stir in cream cheese, increase heat to medium.
Constantly whisk until mixture becomes thick and smooth, remove from
heat and set aside.
In a saucepan over medium-high heat, saute onions and garlic in
remaining butter until transparent.
Add spinach and water to pan, reduce heat to low, cover.
Cook, stirring occasionally for 8 minutes.
Stir prepared sauce and Parmesan cheese into pan, stir until completely blended.

Wednesday 19 August 2015

spotlight! Van's new track

John "VANFRESH" Chama drops his freestyle song called Thank You
recorded at blue sky music....anticipate this good sound. Share and
Twitter; @Shootabwoy
FB; VanFresh
Zambian upcoming youths into music. Are you ready?

Friday 14 August 2015

Mama's boy: still the one

Still The One
After all our time together
After all the up's and downs
I still believe this is forever
Without a doubt
In your arms I still find comfort
In your smile I still find peace
For me there is no other
No matter what time may bring
In the memories we've created
There's a magic in the past
For better or worse
I wouldn't take one second back
The hard times made us stronger
The sweetest of times made us lovers
All that came before
And everything that follows
Made you my greatest friend
When I need a shoulder to lean on
When I need an ear to bend
It was you I could turn to
It was you who would help me
To find myself again
After all this time
I find peacefulness
Knowing, believing it's still love,
You're still the one,
You'll always be the one

Thursday 13 August 2015

Another "Beef" in Zed music enertainment

Its the age of zambian music, where creative mind  rise from
slumber. Rumours rise and the truth hides. Mistakes made, and the lion
comes back for the kill. On the last article we said we would be back
with more on this, it time to lay it down.
We are all anxious on the new up coming album from slapdee #BW2
black na white two, he has never disappointed.... So black and white
will be epic watch out for that one. In the process a few tracks
leading to this awaited album have been realised and wow! Ojuelegba
cover was just one of them creativity! Something grabbed my attention
though... " My short niga tryna diss me now...". We all know the words
that follow. Others call them rumours others facts. So colour magazine
searched for answer and got this
"rumour that
XYZ Entertainment boss SlapDee has
been locked up in a bitter music spat
with his former mate turned nemesis
Ruff Kid in recent weeks with both
artists taking aims at each other from
the studio.
The beef came to the fore casually
enough when Ruff Kid publicly took
shots at his former boss in his 2014
single 'Umunandi' when he bitterly
complained about Slap Dee, born
Mwila Musonda of abandoning him
when times became hard for the
'Nikamisiya' hit maker. But the
misunderstanding between the two old
buddies then quickly escalated into
the unruly mess currently playing out
with both men washing dirty linen in
public with their differences.
The two have now reinvented the
music beef that became notorious and
divided a legion of music fans in
Lusaka and on the Copperbelt when
Slap Dee and another music maestro
Macky II relentlessly took aims at each.
The beef was later quashed although
there is talk it may just erupt again
with Ruff Kid now hanging out with
Macky II and his new found mates at
Alpha Entertainment. In his latest
cover song which purportedly features
Nigerian mega star WizKid, Slap Dee
has no kind words for Ruff Kid and
goes on to call him a 'Short Nigga' in
reference to Ruff Kid's diminutive
figure. "My short Niga tryna diss me
now, all the years that I years that I
raised him to mr brown, when times
was rough, who you gon run to now".
Slap Dee rhymes.
But Ruff Kid is having non of that, last
evening, he took to facebook and
warned the XYZ CEO to stop digging as
he was in a hole. "Something about
hip hop is when you in a hole stop
digging. Someone has to take the
shovel off Slapdees hand" he claimed." states.

So we followed Ruff kaida @Ruffkidmusic ( twitter ) and indeed
those where his words, listened to slapdee's cover and wow those where
his words two. So if putting two and two is what we should do we
should add the fact that Muvi tv news also mentioned it. So we do have
beef here.
Fans seat back and wait divided among them selves, who is wrong?
Others love this development because they will be hearing a lot of
diss songs from wall to wall. Nevertheless we don't hope for violence
because the stage is the battle field for two most loved artist. Kaida
is classic and has the skill, but slapdee also has the new age in his
arms embracing greatness. So we will leave it up to the fans and the
two great stars. And make sure you know what pops up next from the

Rasy N Trudy

Wednesday 12 August 2015

I Imagine you

I Imagine You
I can feel your smile
rest upon my face
And I can feel the warmth
and gentleness of your embrace
I can hear your laughter
it's music to my ears
And your voice still whispers to me
and wipes away my tears
I imagine you
right here with me
the one and only place
you are meant to be
This is your home
here in my heart
but fate has been unkind
and time has kept us apart
So, I imagine you
right here with me
I remember that sparkle
that dances in your eyes
when something makes you happy
just to be alive
I remember your spirit
and how it set me free
How the tender side of you
put me at ease
I imagine you
right here with me
the one and only place
you are meant to be
This is your home
here in my heart
but fate has been unkind
and time has kept us apart
So, I imagine you
right here with me

be motivated, be inspired be part of it

Tuesday 11 August 2015

wait!! Nicki is Pregnant?

  While we were still trying to figure out how meeki got Nicki? "Nicki
is pregnant for meek mill" wow!!! as surprising as this may seem it is
so true,this was confirmed on friday night on the jimmy Fallon
show,when the songstress was asked if she and meek had any plans for
the future,"we are both taking it easy,I mean we just having fun
without expectations and all that,but we definitely r ready 4 the
With growing reports saying that Nicki is eight! ( 8 ) or better
yet ( viii ) months pregnant, the couple plan to name the child Robert
jr if it be a boy and "Omeeka" if its a girl, Omeeka being a
combination of her real name Onika and meek.
Now Nicki calls out meek as her baby daddy,reports say"during
her pink print tour in Pennsylvania,nicki asked the crowd to make some
noise for her baby daddy as she called out meek mill" wow! This is
exciting. So we know Nicki was once pregnant and she aborted, but this
seems a big thing for her now. I wonder what happened to " Nicki
doesn't want to have a baby until she's married?" She even denied
claims of being pregnant, Meek mill said he was read to have a family
with Nicki but she said, " No matter wut he, or anyone else says,
Onika Tanya Maraj won't b pushing anyone1 out her vajayjay, until
she's married" Minaj tweeted. So if Nicki is pregnant, what changed
her mind?
But wait what about Drake!!?? Since we know Last week, Meek
Mill decided to come after Drake, claiming that the Toronto rapper
didn't writer his own lyrics. Well, Drizzy waited a few days, and then
on Saturday, he put out the track everyone was waiting for, Charged
Up.[ Related: Meek Is No Longer Welcome In Toronto ] In the song,
which fans were calling more of a warning song than anything, Drake
raps about Meek being less of a star than his lady Nicki Minaj: "No
woman ever had me star struck // Or was able to tell me to get my bars
up." Ouch! Well, Meek basically started to give in, and conceded.
Will this give him the boost? how will Drake record it?
Speculation? Other sites agree others don't ? Its the game we love...


Monday 10 August 2015

TREND series: #fashion with Lyness

 discover the creativity in fashion, the awesomeness of looking good. :) with lyness luo.   colour magazine 

Sunday 9 August 2015

C.M entertainment: it's Ojuelegba! with slapdee ( cover )

 "what's up wiz , the name is slapdee. see   I love this joint coz we share the same hustle, share the same africa story, so I thought I'd share mine too...." is an introduction into the cover, zambia's hip-hop sensation slapdee makes his mark again! as the youth put it " he makes us proud!. Ojuelegba by the Nigerian superstar Wizkid has not only made the nigerians dance but literally the whole africa. With artist doing not only doing their own cover but featuring too. The sarkodie version and the Drake (featuring ) version was simply thumbs up. What can we say? wizkid  is the kind of artist we all want to hear on the radio. So Ojuelegba is a wow track. you have a cool track? feature Wiz and damn it you have a hit.
            Wait " my short nigga tryna  diss me now??" slapdee points out, but just a minute they are not many " short" niggas that used to be around slap ...well unless... wait what? is there some beef we don't know about? what diss? well fox guess we will find out as we go, for the time_being we will keep our fingers crossed for #BW2 ( black na white 2) his upcoming album its exciting and we just can't wait. XYZ just has its own ways of making the crowd go wild each year! lets see what they have for us this year!

Thursday 6 August 2015

August Magazine cover ( guideline )

 look forward to every story in the magazine. the  new colour magazine cover " adding colour to your talent "